
14-mart, 13:00-14:00
Toshkent shahri

Info Session with DePauw University Representative

🐯🇺🇸 Exclusive Info Session with a DePauw University Representative!This Friday, March 14, at the Globstudy...

14-mart, 19:00-21:00
Toshkent shahri

Recruit Meetup - ishga qabul qilish bilan shug'ullanuvchilar uchun uchrashuv

Uchrashuvda:🔹  dolzarb masalalarni muhokama qilamiz;🔹  real holatlarni ko'rib chiqamiz;🔹  tushunchalar/tajribalarni baham ko'ramiz;🔹  foydali aloqalar o'rnatamiz.


Elevate MUN – Diplomacy in Action

Elevate MUN is a virtual conference with the goal of challenging perspectives, forging diplomacy, and...

16-mart, 13:00-14:00
Toshkent shahri

Don’t miss your chance to ask your questions about admissions to the U.S. directly to a DePauw University representative!

Don’t miss your chance to ask your questions about admissions to the U.S. directly to...

16-mart, 15:00-16:00

why CHINA should be your #1 study destination

Why are more and more students choosing China for their degrees? Meet Timur Islomov, a master's...

17-mart, 17:00-18:30

T sohasida qanday ish topish mumkin? Buni 17-mart kuni bo‘lib o‘tadigan seminarda muhokama qilamiz

🔈IT sohasida qanday ish topish mumkin? Buni 17-mart kuni bo‘lib o‘tadigan seminarda muhokama qilamizIsh topish...

Toshkent shahri

Green Tech Hackathon 2025

Xakatonda barqaror rivojlanish va texnologiyalarga qiziquvchi talabalar, mutaxassislar va tadbirkorlar ishtirok eta oladi.🔗 Tadbirda quyidagilar...

1-aprel, 00:00

“HiCool Global Entrepreneurship Competition” startaplar tanlovi

💸 Umumiy mukofot puli 15 million dollar bo‘lgan Xitoydagi eng yirik Startuplar tanloviga arizalar berish...

2-aprel, 00:00

Fergana PS MUN S4

We’re excited to announce that application for Season 4 of FPS MUN is officially open! This...

Fergana PS MUN
79 000 soʻm
19-aprel, 00:00-00:00

NamPS MUN 2.0

NamanganPS MUN Season 2.0Delegates:General Assembly (GA) – Discussing global issues, fostering international collaboration, and working...

70 000 soʻm
Aloqa Tadbir joylash